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About us

Saabiqoon Books was set up to add to the growing need of high-quality Shia Ithna asheri children’s literature. We aim to instil the divine teachings of the holy Ahlulbayt (as) into the hearts of our young by developing relevant and child friendly material.
Our work is authenticated by scholars from the holy city of Qom.
And Taufeeq is only from Allah (swt).

Our purpose

At Saabiqoon Books, we believe it is imperative to lay foundational understanding blocks for the future leaders of our Ummah. Each of our books have been carefully chosen, designed and edited to impart a valuable Godly lesson into the minds of our young readers. Each book goes through a process of vigorous checks and alterations by Scholars in the Holy city of Qom to ensure children are getting reliable and worthy content that sparks an appreciation of Islam.
All this is done through engaging stories with pleasant illustrations and child friendly text.


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